Buku Petunjuk Praktis Keterampilan Berbicara

This book presents practical instructions for teaching Speaking skills so that educators are able to improve students' speaking skills so that learning materials are achieved according to the objectives in the curriculum. Speaking skills need to be fostered and developed so that students feel motivated, interested, and enjoy learning to speak, whether giving speeches, debating, hosting events, discussing and so on. This book also explains several solutions in improving students' speaking skills, understanding speaking skills, supporting and inhibiting factors for speaking skills, speaking skills teaching techniques, and types of speaking skills.

In order to facilitate the process of learning to speak, especially in the Indonesian language subject, a guidebook is needed so that teachers are able to organize classes, master several speaking techniques, and motivate students to be able to speak in front of the class. I wrote this book with the aim of helping students so that learning skills run effectively, directed, enthusiastically, and in accordance with the learning objectives of the established curriculum. This book will help teachers in managing the class when learning speaking skills.

Getting this book here https://s.shopee.co.id/8KZAdUIhSi
